Founders' Archives
Leonardo Rodriguez
Biographical information
Marital status


Physical description




Hair colour
  • White with black flecks
  • Black (formerly)
Eye colour

Dark, filmy

Skin colour


Family information
Family members

Hunter-slayer[1] (formerly)


Rodriguez family

"Of course I care. For one thing, he helped save all our lives - and the town. For another, he's a very brave man - he must have been - to survive an attack by an Old One."
Stefan Salvatore[src]

Leonardo Rodriguez (fl. 19741992) was a former hunter-slayer.[1] He and his wife, Beatrisa, had a daughter named Gabriella, who, like her husband Fernando Sulez, chose not to be a hunter. He was left mentally damaged after an attack by Klaus, who killed his wife, though he began to improve.[2]


"He wasn't badly hurt by it, but he never really got well. He became... well, sort of like Vickie, only more violent. It got so that they were afraid he'd harm himself, or somebody else. So they took him to a hospital, a place he'd be safe."
Meredith Sulez[src]

On June 6, 1977,[3] Leonardo was attacked by Klaus, though he suffered only minor injuries[4] while his wife was killed, granddaughter became a half-vampire and grandson was kidnapped. The following day, Leonardo seemed to lose his ability to speak, and became violent.[4] Fearful that he might harm others or himself, Gabriella and Fernando took him to a mental hospital in West Virginia. There, he was visited by his family, who he sometimes recognised and sometimes did not, as well as by Alaric Saltzman, who was researching victims of vampire attacks.

On June 20, 1992, Meredith, along with Bonnie McCullough, Stefan Salvatore and Matt Honeycutt, visited Leonardo in order to find out how to wound Klaus. Though he initially remained silent, he began shouting hysterically about white ash wood. Meredith and her friends were asked to leave while nurses attended to him.

At some point after Klaus's death, Meredith went to visit Leonardo. He appeared to be at least a little better, and told her about the family's fighting stave.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

  • In The Fury, Meredith claims that her grandfather was attacked before she was born, and later says in Dark Reunion that it happened on her birthday and that Klaus also tried to kill herself and her grandmother. Finally, in The Return: Midnight, Meredith and her parents say that it happened on her third birthday and that her grandmother was killed.


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Stefan: But getting back to Klaus: what was it he was supposed to have done on his first visit? He attacked - without killing - an old man who was a full hunter-slayer. (The Return: Midnight - Chapter 14)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Meredith: It was Grandpa who told me about the stave. / Stefan: So your grandfather's better now? / Meredith: No... sort of. (The Return: Midnight - Chapter 10)
  3. Meredith: My parents started celebrating it a week early because June 6 was too upsetting for them. It was the day my grandfather was attacked and went crazy." (The Fury)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Meredith: He wasn't badly hurt by it, but he never really got well. He became... well, sort of like Vickie, only more violent. It got so that they were afraid he'd harm himself, or somebody else. So they took him to a hospital, a place he'd be safe. (The Fury)